David Llorente Menéndez

David Llorente is Fonunde an CEO of NARRATIVA (AI-Generated Content)

Founder and CEO Narrativa (AI-Generated Content)

David LLorente https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidllorentemenendez/
Narrativa https://www.linkedin.com/company/narrativaai/

David is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for disruptive innovation and technology. Following these principles David founded Narrativa in 2015. Narrativa’s technology extracts insights from data and automatically transforms them into natural language narratives using Artificial Intelligence.

As an entrepreneur David previously founded 4 startups including one successful exit.

Before starting his entrepreneurial carrier, David held executive positions in Business and Strategy Development for leading companies in the fast growing online gaming industry in Europe, USA and Latin America. In the first years of his professional career David worked as a researcher specializing in Artificial Intelligence.

David studied Physics at Autónoma University of Madrid and Computer Engineering at Rey Juan Carlos University also in Madrid. He also completed entrepreneurial studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

David is originally from Spain and for the last 17 years has lived in Italy, France, USA, Estonia, Germany and the UAE.

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